Centreville The History of a Delaware Village
250th Anniversary Edition
Published by Centreville Civic Association, Inc. 2001

From the earliest settlers to today’s upscale shops…this is the story of Centreville.
Its families, its buildings, its roads—all are remembered in this informative volume, which includes more than 50 beautiful color photographs. Many papers and pictures from the past are interspersed among anecdotes and well-researched facts. Maps and descriptive tours guide readers along Village sidewalks and country byways—pointing out landmarks, telling their stories.
CENTREVILLE: THE HISTORY OF A DELAWARE VILLAGE details the evolution of Delaware’s “Chateau Country” and its Village center, from Penn grants to modern times. Early farms and mills, Wilmington and Kennett Turnpike, a Christiana Hundred town center, The Kennett Pike, American Country Estates, growth and development—each historic phase or influence is discussed in this valuable edition.
This book will be a valuable addition to the library—or coffee table—of anyone who has ever lived in, visited or researched that special part of Delaware called Centreville.
Available for direct purchase through the CCA.